Vile vortices laylines
Vile vortices laylines

vile vortices laylines vile vortices laylines

They Might Be Caused by “Electro-Magnetic Aberration”

vile vortices laylines

In fact, five are along the Tropic of Capricorn, and five are along the Tropic of Cancer, with only the North and South Pole not being along those lines, meaning the vortices are mostly located near warm, tropical climates. They’re also evenly spread out distance-wise, which investigators have suggested prove there is something logical and mathematical to the chaos. That’s because half are distributed above the equator and half are distributed below the equator. You might notice that these vortices seem pretty spread out. These vortices are: Bermuda Triangle, theĪlgerian Megaliths, the city of Mohenjo Daro, the Hamakulia Volcano east of Hawaii, the “Devil’s Sea,” the South Atlantic Anomaly, the Wharton Basin, the Easter Island megaliths, East of Rio de Janeiro, the Loyalty Islands, the North Pole, and the South Pole. He then mapped these 12 most paranormally-active areas and named them the Vile Vortices. In his travels and studies during the early 70s, he began to notice that there were specific regions where things seemed to go strange, where planes and people seemed to disappear, and where UFO sightings seemed to take place. He would go on expeditions and record what he saw and experienced in drawings, reports, and even photographs, and for fun he even dabbled in science fiction. Sanderson was a biologist, writer, animal enthusiast, and huge fan of all things paranormal. A Scottish Biologist First Discovered the Vortices But be ready for spooky stories, unanswered questions, and age old mysteries that have no known explanation…yet. If you’re itching to learn more, you’re in luck.

Vile vortices laylines